Iceland is open: volcano update


About the currency and exchange rate in Iceland

We charge all of our Iceland tour packages in Icelandic Króna (ISK), the official currency of Iceland.
When browsing a tour package, you may use the currency converter at the top of the page (or behind the shown price) to see the equivalent price in a different major currency. Please note, however, that prices displayed in other currencies are for reference only and are based on the daily exchange rate as issued by the Central Bank of Iceland. Therefore, the conversions from ISK to other currencies will fluctuate from day to day.
When booking a tour, your bank will in most cases convert your payment to your local currency (if different than ISK) and may charge an additional conversion fee for each transaction. This means the amount on your billing statement may differ from the total amount shown in your booking confirmation. Please check with your bank if you have questions about exchange rate fees.
See more information about currency and banks at our Iceland Travel Guide.
Note: For all other destinations besides Iceland we price our holiday packages in Euros (EUR).
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