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Þórsmörk Iceland


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An oasis in the rugged highlands

The Þórsmörk valley in the interior highlands is an oasis for hikers and nature lovers. For a place named after Þór (Thor), the Norse god of thunder, it really lives up to the high expectations.

This secluded nature reserve is surrounded by rugged mountains and glaciers—including the infamous Eyjafjallajökull volcano and ice cap, with diverse landscapes spanning glacial rivers, rocky gorges, small birch forests, hot springs and other remarkable geological features.

Equally impressive is the journey to get to Þórsmörk: the area is only accessible via specially equipped 4x4 super-jeeps or buses as the drive requires fording some un-bridged rivers. A number of popular hiking trails start or end here, including the famous multi-day "Laugavegur" trail to Landmannalaugar and the path to the Fimmvörðuháls eruption site.

Do not attempt to access Þórsmörk without a 4x4 vehicle and very experienced driver.

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Tours including Þórsmörk

You could experience Þórsmörk through any one of these tours below.

7 days / 6 nights
Jul - Aug

4x4 Highland Adventure in the South



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