Europe's most powerful waterfall
The most powerful waterfall in all of Europe, you’ll hear Dettifoss’ mighty rumble long before you see it. This prevailing chute stands 45 metres high and is 100 metres across, allowing an epic 193 m3 of water to cascade into Dettifoss’ gorge every second.
The falls got its big blockbuster moment in the science-fiction film Prometheus in 2012. It’s rushing white waters and surrounding harsh, rocky terrain provided for a convincing alien landscape.
The falls are visible on the east and west banks of the Jökulslá river, though the view from the west bank is slightly obstructed by the fall’s mist and there are no facilities there. On the east bank there are walking paths, an information panel installed by the national park service, and public restrooms. Whichever side you access Dettifoss on, be careful on the surrounding rocky terrain.
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